Reflecting on 2024

I’ve seen lots online about 2025; however, I think a good way to finish the year (or any period) is by reflecting on how the year has gone. Have you achieved your goals? If not, why not? We need to give ourselves that feedback, which we often try to avoid because it’s uncomfortable.

So here are my thoughts...

Firstly, did I achieve all my goals in 2024? Hell no! Did I give it a good try? I think so—maybe some goals more than others. The thing I’m learning is that things get in the way—life is full of interruptions, whether it’s a client’s mortgage application, a team member being sick, or your tortoise needing the vet. Your time will always be taken up by interruptions—even someone as organised as I am can’t plan for everything.

Some goals you want more than others. Interestingly, I’ve achieved all my holiday goals this year, yet my study goals have fallen a little short. Motivation and confidence at the start of implementing a goal are high, but as time goes on, you’re often hit with reality and problems, and enthusiasm tends to wane. This is something I’ve really noticed with getting Organise Your Business live—there were so many steps, I’d often lose momentum, and working in the business ended up being prioritised. This is how I’ve come to be working on it in my spare time. If I really want this to work, I need to remove distractions.

Finally, I’m learning that a lot of my problem has been—and still is—my confidence in myself. I let doubt creep in and tell me I’m not good enough or that no one will want to listen. And those 23 subscribers are telling me to keep going—so thank you!

So, whilst I’m on my winter break (I’m off snowboarding for the first time in over 15 years!), I’m not taking my laptop, but I am taking my special notebook to reflect on the goals I set myself and how I can achieve more in 2025. I find holidays a great time for reflection and ideas, as I’m rested and without work distractions (I know, the irony of working on work ideas on holiday is not lost on me—but my work brain is pretty hard to switch off, and it’s when I have my best ideas). On the flight home from my last holiday, I listened to Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy—a perfect choice for a productive mindset while travelling. It’s less than 3 hours long, and I came away with a notebook full of ideas.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! Here’s to reflection, growth, and smashing our goals in 2025. I can’t wait to share more and hear all about your journeys too.



Why do I keep failing?


There will be good days and bad days