There will be good days and bad days
As you can see I’ve not kept up with my weekly posting, but I’m trying not to be too hard on myself. Running Celtic Bookkeeping has been taking all my time these last few weeks, with new clients to onboard and a run of staff sickness including my wingwomen Leanda, I’ve just not had any spare time or energy.
At this point I’d usually decide I’m trying to take on too much and ditch the new idea, but after trying to get this from idea to reality for the last 18 months, I really do feel I’m almost ready to go live.
The email list just needs a couple final tweaks and then I’ll be ready to start sending regular emails, that means I’ll then be ready to start shouting about Organise Your Business - eek. There is definitely a long to do list, that I hadn’t fully considered. And that’s often the case with taking on a new area of work, so what can we do to manage expectations and increase your success rate?
Write a priority list
Break it down into short tasks you can find the time to carry out
Allow yourself regular time (when you can) to chip away at tasks
Involve the rest of the team - Kerensa is definitely my IT support centre when I can’t get something looking nice.
Set yourself some targets - and don’t lose heart when you fall short - my aim was to have the website live in September - which technically it is but I’ve not started shouting about it yet.
Dont forget to look back at how far you have come, even if you’re not done. I’ve made a website, blog, mailing list and new instagram account in just over 8 weeks!
I’d love to hear what big tasks you have planned and whats holding you back?